Month: January 2020

Banking and Bank deposits

Banking. Banking is the primary step for any Investment as any investment can be made from a bank account only except for few small savings and Bank deposits are the most popular investment avenue in India.   Banks are Financial Intermediaries. Banks intermediates between the savers and the borrowers. The…

Insurance Policies

Insurance Policies Insurance can be defined as a financial risk management tool in which the insured transfers the risk of potential financial loss to the insurance company by paying a premium. In simple words Insurance is a contract where the Insurer agrees to indemnify the insured against any potential future…

Equity Shares/Stock Market

Equity Shares/ Stocks Market Equity Shares Equity shares are the shares of Public Limited companies issued to the public for raising capital for the company. The shareholder gains the voting rights in the company and become eligible for receiving dividend when declared.Of all the financial securities equity shares are the…

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds-MFs Mutual Funds Mutual funds (MFs) have gained popularity in the last few years though they have been in existence for a few decades now. MFs can be defined as a financial intermediary or investment vehicle. They intermediate between the investors and the various Financial investment items. Mutual Funds…

How To Start Investing

How to start investing? Now that the question about the necessity of investment is answered it is time to explore the idea of how do one start investing. One of the most basic question in the mind of people is how to start investing. As a   first step one need…

Why one should Invest?

Why one should invest? Now  that we have understood what is an investment, the question arises as to why one should invest his money ? To lead a comfortable lifestyle Investments gain importance in today’s world, because just earning money is not sufficient to take care of our much needed…

What is an Investment?

An investment can be defined as something or an item that is purchased with the intention of getting an income from it or expecting a future price rise. So investment is an activity or a process. This activity consists of following; 1.The investment involves the action of purchase or acquisition.…